Archive for the 'Check-In with Fictionaut Groups' Category

I once read with some of the Baltimore literary crew on a tour with Dogzplot at the Jersey Shore. It was a ton of fun and meant a lot. Interviewing Justin Sirois for this week’s column got me feeling sappy, which is hard to do. [read more]

   Line Breaks: “One-Way Ticket” by Antonya Nelson
   Fictionaut Five: Jim Hanas
   Luna Digest, 12/8

I like that Rob Walker — he thinks like a creative superstar. His recent project Significant Objects featured my old teacher Myla Goldberg and many other writing deities who probably agreed to sign on to the project because it is so awesome. Take a recycled every day object and write a story from it. Not bad, gentlemen, not bad at all.
[read more]

   Luna Digest, 12/3
   Fictionaut Five: Meg Pokrass

In Indie Fiction, Monkeybicycle is sort of like the cool older popular boy to me but if the cool older boy were cool because he was full of integrity, heart, hard work, taste, solidarity, un-bad-way charm and just being good. [read more]

   Fictionaut Five: Michael Martone
   Luna Digest, 11/24

Peter Cole is an amazing dude and an amazing publisher who does great things for both the online and print indie community in general. I feel like this honest interview is a good time to point out that doing what we do, writing, editing, reading, publishing, is hard.Checking In With Keyhole.

Also on the blog:
   Fictionaut Five: Marie Mutsuki Mockett
   Luna Digest, 11/17
   Rediscovered Reading: Pissing in the Snow
   New: Full-Text RSS Feeds



Q: (Nicolle Elizabeth for Fictionaut): Hey Roxane! I see you are an editor

over at PANK and that you have a Fictionaut group running. How’s

the Fictionaut PANK group working out so far? Are people playing nice with each

other? Group meditating?

A: Roxane

Gay (PANK): Hi Nicolle. The Fictionaut PANK group is like that

scene in a movie where you’re outside and the sky is full of stars, and the air is still.

Read Checking in with PANK.

Also on the blog:
   Fictionaut Five: Grant Bailie
   Luna Digest, 11/10
   John Minichillo: Underground, Except Out in the Wide


I found out about Electric Literature through some Canteen Magazine related email list. I was glad to have found out about them for a few reasons. First of all, they pay contributors 1,000 usa-grade-a-smackers per story. Secondly, they publish beautiful work. Keep reading Checking in with Electric Literature.

Also on the blog:
   Jürgen Chats with Galleycat
   Fictionaut Five with Barb Johnson
   Luna Digest, 10/27

Muumuu House has a group on Fictionaut and I decided to ask Audrey about it. It was good. Read Checking in with Muumuu House.

Also on the blog:
   Critical Mass Q&A: Jürgen Fauth
   Fictionaut Five with Joseph Young
   Luna Digest, 10/20
   Writing Spaces: Jim Ruland

Gigantic is a newer journal and one of our newest groups, and I thought I’d ask James Yeh and all four editors to chime in about who they are and what they’re up to this time. Keep reading…

featherproof-smI asked Zach, co-editor and head excellent at Featherproof to answer some questions for us about Featherproof’s Fictionaut Group and Featherproof in general over email recently and it was lovely to hear from him, he’s what one might call “good people.” Read Checking In With Featherproof.

Also: Jürgen talks about the ideas behind Fictionaut in the Huffington Post.

Adam Robinson and Ben White in conversation about the Fictionaut groups they are admins of and how the literary press and journal they are involved with fit in the picture. Keep reading…

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