Archive for the 'Books at Fictionaut' Category

It was on the plane that I realized that the stories in From the Umberplatzen fly. They do not walk, carry, or drive. They conspire, in the air, like postcards as they float across the Atlantic on official business, transported by trusted officials, for the purpose of continuing love.

Carol Novack’s full-length collection, Giraffes in Hiding, contains 42 stories and the art work of 14 artists. The writing in Giraffes is sometimes called fiction, sometimes called poetry, depending on the reader. Bookstores shelve it as fiction. Imaginary persons gather tribally there, in a land Carol invented where church and state are separate.

   Fictionaut Five: Jürgen Fauth
   Monday Chat with Gloria Mindock

About a dozen of the poems in Larissa Shmailo’s In Paran (BlazeVOX, 2009) also appear at Fictionaut. Shmailo’s transcultural poetry lights our side of the sea.

To publish: 1) to produce in a format so that a number of people can read it; 2) to produce in the proper venue for achieving authority and prominence. -Mark Wallace Flash fiction is finding a home at last through the free waves of the Internet.  Its deployment as a genre-long overlooked and passed over […]


Fictionaut brings the social web to literary fiction, connecting readers and writers through a community network that doubles as self­selecting magazine highlighting the most exciting short stories, poetry, flash fiction, and novel excerpts.

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