Archive for the 'Fictionaut Five' Category

I write about 3 poems per week. At any one time I have between 60-80 poems out at magazines, often with long return times, six months to a year. I’m not in a hurry. When I hear, I hear. If I get rejected, I take the rejection as an opportunity for revision. [Read more]

   Checking in with Moon Milk Review
   Line Breaks: “Gershwin’s Second Prelude” by Charles Baxter

All a writer needs is a reader, and Fictonaut delivers a widely diverse, talented and supportive readership. Here we are, reading and responding, interacting with and feeding each other’s work in a thoughtful and intimate way. If this were around ten years ago I don’t know I would have pursued that MFA. [Read more]

   Fictionaut Five: Adam Robinson
   Luna Digest, 10/26
   Checking in with Gigantic Sequins

In 5 years big houses will be trying out some disingenuous-seeming imprint like “HarperAmateur” or something that will accept many more manuscripts, but only for ebook publication. There will be a thousand 24-year-old editors working on bad books. No one will buy these. In 10 years, it will be back to the way it is now, except there will be more small presses doing only digital books. [Read more]

   Luna Digest, 10/26
   Checking in with Hopeless Romantic

I wrote Baby and Other Stories quite some time ago. It’s sort of like looking at old high school pictures for me, reading this book again. That said, I stand by it, stand by the work and what it has to say. [Read more]

   Luna Digest, 10/19
   Checking in with the Rose Metal Press Short Short Chapbook Contest

My intention while writing The Last Jewish Virgin was to simultaneously honor, subvert, and tweak the traditions and tropes of vampire myth and literature, which has long been a major obsession of mine. I felt as if I were engaging in an ongoing dialogue with all the writers who’ve explored the vampire myth before me, and with all those who’ll explore it after me — as if we’re an endless chain of writers stretching into eternity and beyond. [Read more]

   Luna Digest, 10/12
   Checking in With Ramshackle
   Fictionaut Reading @ KGB in New York, Oct. 17

I once heard Colm Tóibín say that “writers are part magpie, part vulture.” That’s it. As writers we gather what we need while we work from what is around us. [Read more]

   Luna Digest, 10/5
   Fictionaut Reading @ KGB in New York, Oct. 17
   Checking In With Thunderclap

I’m a former newspaper reporter from the days just after they’d first started using computers. I’m a dinosaur. [Read more]

   This Saturday: Fictionaut Reading in San Francisco
   Checking In with Raíces y Alas
   Line Breaks: “Something Better Than This” by Mary Gaitskill

I consciously seek ways to make big ideas more portable. [Read more]

   Luna Digest, 9/21
   Fictionaut Faves, 9/20: Perfect Pho
   Checking in With A-Minor

The act of writing and inviting others to read and comment is an intimate one, I think, and Fictionaut is kind of magic in the way it supports and cultivates that intimacy. Magic. I guess that’s the difference. [Read more]

   Fictionaut on Mashable
   Checking in with What May Have Been

My novel was just released. It was tagged, so we’ll track it and see how it interacts with the other novels out there. [Read more]

   Checking in with Noir


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