Alphabetical stories

Sea Floor Fever

13621362 views1212 comments1010 favs

I'm dying but that's not to say what you think it says. I've crossed the river of myself many, many times before and wandered to the shore, broken and drenched and full of the fever of dreams. Each time was a kind of ritual drying of my newly born wings, to…

Sea Monster Metaphysics

260260 views44 comments33 favs

To the hem of Neptune and the soul of brevityand the dialects of drunken monkeys,sands diminish into sands, wavesdie imperceptibly, brace a hibernating time,one of mermaids always seenby the naivete of sailors. This is sea monster metaphysics.The Atlantic increasingly…

Sea of indifference

819819 views00 comments00 favs

Sea of indifference Coming and going Never committing Like a fickle lover that erodes a hopeful heart

Sea of Tranquility

42034203 views00 comments11 fav

We weren't sleeping much, either one of us. We went through the ritual, Pat and I. I brushed and flossed and got into bed and read while Pat took her contacts out and applied a…

Sea Shell

13171317 views33 comments11 fav


Seal Skin

21482148 views1515 comments66 favs

I had told myself that I would not cry. That I would hold on to my anger so tightly, there would be no space for pity.

Sealing off the Exits

18181818 views11 comment00 favs

Jasmine invited herself over and plopped herself on my futon. "Let's fuck," she said, bluntly. "I want to."


918918 views11 comment00 favs

The cab split the thread of oncoming traffic into water barrels and telephone poles.

Seamus Has the Palsy Now

891891 views44 comments22 favs

Seamus’ hands are shaking now that once were still as stalking cats.

Seamus ne Kevin

518518 views00 comments00 favs

Seamus has the palsy now who once was called another name.


937937 views99 comments77 favs

communication/ with the dead


845845 views00 comments00 favs

The sun was bright, warm and blew through my hair like the wind.

Searching for a poem

13141314 views55 comments55 favs

Each person in each car could be poetic/ Duende, but they look at each other and ask/“Did you fart?”

Searching for Mr. Bharath Seshardi

790790 views33 comments22 favs

This tall, very fair, very blonde, very female, very feminist friend of mine, with a smile the moon and stars must take lessons from. . . .

Searching for Mr. Bharath Seshardi

11351135 views66 comments66 favs

This tall, very blonde, very female, friend of mine. . . .

Searching for Samuel Beckett

15621562 views4242 comments1818 favs

At the Cimitiere Montparnasse he offers the girl his raincoat. I'm searching for Samuel Beckett, he says, and holds an umbrella over her as she consults her map. We're close, she says, pointing. I'll go with you. Then we can visit Simone de Beauvoir. My name is Scarlet.…

Searching for the Word

11181118 views33 comments22 favs

I separate my thoughts into two / camps


11421142 views44 comments33 favs

1. Walking here with you on these narrow strands of clean air & imagination


13011301 views77 comments44 favs

They had been wintering on the Cape under gunmetal skies...

Season's End

10991099 views99 comments77 favs

Just drank / The last of the eggnog

Seasonal Affective Disorder

10231023 views1212 comments1010 favs

A man of action would take to his rake/ but Sloth would rather watch and wait/ for snow to erase each leaf on leaf.

Seasonal Discord

17421742 views11 comment11 fav

“I killed a man.” “Whaaattt???” I'd been meditating on the sun. I figured he was trying to jolt me awake.

Seasonal Poem

12301230 views66 comments55 favs

One of the poems in my collection, One Day Tells its Tale to Another, published December 16, 2012. Available on Amazon. My first book!


730730 views1414 comments99 favs

... and August's drought/ will yellow lawns, singe the shrubs,/ and amplify cicada song.


12441244 views1010 comments44 favs

Jasmine as skeined skins… of liquid hers, by willow courts, the lychee's water wains: as apple-moats flush fawn in russet light, through cherry floats, the leopard-dots of dawn. Branch to branchlet green …

Seasons of You

948948 views55 comments22 favs

Summer, Spring, Winter, Fall, the Good Lord made them all.

Seattle November

13271327 views88 comments44 favs

He ate husks of bone and old paper scraps with yesterday's headlines, blowing down the street like tumbleweeds now at four o'clock in the morning.He wrapped himself in an old army coat against the November winds as he tramped back and forth, back and forth, up the ten…

Second Career

629629 views33 comments44 favs

“Just how many different bipeds try to hide their nakedness?” “Only one. And that'd be us, idiot.”, Twinkle responded. “Then, why don't we mind showing certain parts of our bodies?”, she then asked. Twinkle could see it was going to be…

Second Chance

13221322 views33 comments22 favs

He arrives at the appointed hour, driving up the dusty road in his '68 Ford truck. On the side is stenciled “Sampson's Farrier Service.” He parks in front of the barn. Patience watches from the front porch, where she has just set down a…

Second Collage

883883 views44 comments11 fav

B developed a thick emulsion that he paints onto the pieces of meat on which he prints photographs.