Alphabetical stories

Man and Dirt

10461046 views11 comment11 fav

Wherever you decide to grow Please remember to ask the dirt ‘Am I still dust’

Man Cave / Jane Austen

780780 views00 comments00 favs

They ride horses through the living room ....

Man In Hiding

14231423 views99 comments1111 favs

I answered with my usual economy of words. If someone wants more, they must ask, and he did.

Man In The Blue Scooter

135135 views44 comments22 favs


Man On A Balcony In His Bathrobe

16251625 views66 comments11 fav

Watering his pansies in their pots with his ridiculous watering can. Sticking his finger in the soil to test the dampness. Obviously nothing on beneath the silk robe. It’s almost fallen loose a dozen times Balding. Maybe in his late forties. S

Man on a porch with beer and shotgun

274274 views1212 comments55 favs

Lo and Behold, there you are beside me

Man on the Moon

961961 views22 comments33 favs

I even listen to the Ugly Kid Joe version. I fall asleep perplexed and disheartened.

Man On The Run

884884 views00 comments00 favs

Don't slow down, he said, time grows shorter every minute. So you pretended to stay young or cheated on your marriage or forgot to watch your children growing up, and still never found someone who could understand you.

Man Resting On Tires, NYC

10661066 views77 comments22 favs

A man asleep on a stack of tires in front of a tire shop on 10th Aveune, NYC. A store that’s “open 25 hrs,” where apparently time is being manufactured. The unknown new element, the 25th hour, even though the other 24 may have been shortened som

man running from a bar

876876 views22 comments11 fav

A man alone in his paid-for living room, with his hands folded behind his head. A man running from a bar, a bald man seen from behind. Someone who made a wide circle to avoid your laughter. A man undressing at the side of the road saying: “How y

Man Writing Story With Ears Plugged About Painter Who Only Hears in Color; Black Ink, 2002

10581058 views00 comments00 favs

Ready, here we go.

Man, Ending

11911191 views33 comments11 fav

The man had decided that this was going to be his last day. He’d find out one final thing and he’d be done. He had spent the last few years of his life unwinding things that had been wound and untying knots that had been tied.

Man-Bomb (excerpt from a Bromance in progress)

10461046 views11 comment11 fav

The crowd- which consisted of exclusively men with beards and djembe drums and women with hairly legs poking out of corduroy patchwork skirts- cowered and crawled in fear around the angry man-bomb, mortally frightened yet encouraged to shimmy because the

Manet Nightmare

898898 views1212 comments88 favs

the tall, thin ectomorph sat on the verdant, green grass as the unclothed naked woman on the Sunday-picnic blanket poured white cow’s milk into a vodka shot glass

Manhattan Love Stories #5: Suicide Birds (sic)

13161316 views1212 comments44 favs

I look for the boy we met inside the club, the one who claimed he loved playing with matches, setting fire to churches. I spot him smoking a cigarette, standing so cool against the side of the club, like he might be the nephew of some Viking guitarist hun


11261126 views44 comments22 favs

To Charles Bukowski "I haven't shat or pissed in seven years," she tells him, negotiating each word around the Marlboro. Because he doesn't know what else to say, Isaiah asks, "Haven't you seen a …

Manic Episode

867867 views88 comments99 favs

The manic,/ looking on, finds and polishes// the sharp green shard and bottle cap

Manifest Destiny

884884 views1111 comments88 favs

Will it take the rise/ of cyber guerillas to finish it/ in the way it should be finished


992992 views88 comments55 favs

I write poems.

Manifesto of ism

997997 views22 comments22 favs

We walk though the streets of London, New York, Paris, Prague, Barcelona, Skegness, inhaling air heavy with metaphors, eyes set alight by the microscopic pyrotechnics of quotidian symbols hitherto debased by the outmoded conventions of a bankrupt civilisation decomposing in…

Mankind vs. The Undertaker

10131013 views66 comments33 favs

Her boyfriend is into U.S. presidents and professional wrestling. He is reading biographies of both occupations and says this helps him to appreciate gray area, decisive action. Lives of great men, he explains.

Manliness!! *urp*

10411041 views77 comments44 favs

It starts on the Fallopian Speedway


11061106 views55 comments33 favs

Having sex with her there made me feel like a child molester, I said. She said it made her excited.


11061106 views55 comments22 favs

He was friends with assholes, so they gave him terrible advice: “If you really want to know if he loves you, be disgusting,” and so that’s what he did.


750750 views00 comments00 favs

Sally knows the situation: if your name's on the list you can't come in. If they try to walk past her, swipe their card on the electronic barrier's scanner, instead of a short benevolent bleep and the gate sliding open, it will fail. The hapless individua


13271327 views1616 comments99 favs

She was as distant as Mao, someone I never met, but whom everyone carried in their eyes,

Map of the World to Come

514514 views22 comments11 fav

The middle finger talks of many things How I killed the moon But still drank the moonshine And how getting over her took Some bleeding from the soul Maybe it’s the Inner Face of Outer Space That worries me the most But what about the Fro


864864 views00 comments00 favs

He will spread peace like wet blood on a sheet.

marc bolan

10321032 views1010 comments44 favs

marc bolan mind rolling

Marcel Unchained

15081508 views1717 comments1111 favs

Street mime in white face and white gloves, trapped in invisible box. Tip jar empty. Marcel's solo-dancing the tango now, teeth clenching ephemeral rose. Passersby pass him by.