Alphabetical stories

Happy Birthday Sian or How to Fall in Love

10431043 views77 comments55 favs

I learned how to fall in love, in one hour, watching The Waltons. John Boy fell in love with Jenny. Jenny fell in love with John Boy. It taught me the right way to fall in love. It taught me the right way to let love go. I was 12 years old. It was a lesson I…

Happy Birthday to Me

951951 views22 comments22 favs

Happy Birthday to me. It takes just a second on waking to remember, It's June but it feels like December.

Happy Birthday!

15041504 views11 comment00 favs


Happy Birthday... Mr. President

12061206 views33 comments11 fav

Her dress swirled around her as she stepped into the ballroom, looking every bit as sultry as her recent Playboy cover...

Happy Christmas to my quantum mechanic-

891891 views77 comments77 favs

this elegant silver wrench/ which from the opposite side/ becomes a golden Phillips-head

Happy Columbus Day

11791179 views1414 comments1010 favs

Oh to be young and vigorous.

Happy Hour

13851385 views1919 comments1818 favs

We were in the car more than anywhere else. A few days driving, then a few days to get back home.

happy hour

769769 views55 comments00 favs

I remember seeing five young losers standing outside this bar, smoking cigarettes in their baggy shorts and flip-flops, giving the occasional high-fives. They weren’t even eating their calzone, and I was getting upset about it. (I hadn’t eaten the whole

Happy Is a Poem

10471047 views1212 comments77 favs

no need to write it if you/ live it, conscious of the light, the/ shape, the sound, the taste, and shadow.

Happy National Hairball Awareness Day

814814 views33 comments22 favs

Something’s not right. Okie, the elder cat, seems–distrait. Taciturn. Phlegmatic. And those are just leftover vocab words from my son’s senior English class.

Happy New Year's

10361036 views77 comments22 favs

Start white flour diet.

Happy Trails

10521052 views1010 comments77 favs

"But is it politically correct?" he asked. "Oh, yes," said Hank. "It's all the rage."

Happy Valentine's Day From Your Librarian

12341234 views66 comments55 favs

Is every librarian a poet at heart? I don't know, but a group of librarians recently put their heads together and came up with these library-themed Valentine's Day poems: Roses are red Your book's overdue You've had it for months Which is…


992992 views44 comments44 favs

unwrapping the gauze from her wrists....


10201020 views22 comments22 favs

Smoke from the oil lamp traced the wall. It gave Nana something to read.


13781378 views1010 comments55 favs

Rounding a corner, Clarissa wiped out and hit the floor chin-first. She wailed and the dildos skittered away under a display.

Hard Candy

984984 views22 comments11 fav

Fumes of sugar rose to Kofi's brain - intense, foreign, disquieting. At every turn of the handle, Kofi wouldn´t know which flavour would suddenly prevail, whether he would like it, or how long it would last …

Hard Time

108108 views1919 comments55 favs

Obesity in America is now considered a felony, thanks to Michelle Obama's biceps and weight obsession. They've sent me to couch potato prison where I'm doing hard time in a dark corner of an unfinished basement filled with cobwebs that…

Hard Times

766766 views1111 comments88 favs

None of this is real, he says, and the path slopes down to a house that is possibly haunted. One always looks in such windows, one cannot not look at the predictable detritus of another's failure, a queer satisfaction, a fairy's dust. But no, not real, none of it. And…

Hard To Know You Can't Go Back

12311231 views55 comments11 fav

The light against the nylon walls of the tent gets me feeling a little down. The air's wet inside, but it's warm. The whole world outside is creaking and chirping, everything that wakes up with the dawn's first tepid blue light does so and starts making n

Hard-to-Reach Places

11521152 views1212 comments00 favs

Jody wakes some days with pieces missing.

Hardaway's Poems Piss Off DC Bigwig

11141114 views1111 comments44 favs

Gladstone called him a ‘goddam nihilist’--

Hardly Used Tractors

19171917 views1313 comments77 favs

Now Carver Smithton has a paunched belly as stout as the beer that fills it. His upper lip is thick, fat and flat like a caterpillar run over by a semi on Highway 17.

Hardware Store Tour

11151115 views1515 comments1010 favs

The Plaza had a chess-board floor, green wood booths, and the lights stayed up. I might be combining a memory of Fitzie's in Binghamton. The Plaza felt like a preppy soda fountain with beer.

Harley Davidson Fanny Pack

15561556 views33 comments00 favs

Harley Davidson fanny pack

Harlow's Monkeys

103103 views1515 comments88 favs


Harmony in D Major

334334 views55 comments22 favs

What shattering tranquility! Such a devastating hush! The flora in its element, the sky a flaccid red. Dreaming just a little, more or less awake, the people shift, capitulate, move like animated trees, dropping their leaves on pathways, on subtle …


13061306 views99 comments66 favs

he’s recognizable in the earliest images of misery: a hand shoving a young gladiator before the lion; the fire devouring a witch in Salem. And here he is. Again.

Harried or Employed

975975 views1111 comments66 favs

Irony is written sarcasm. Sarcasm is spoken irony: the opposite of what is meant. Catholic irony in fiction seems deeper and more related to theme. Protestant irony starts with P as do other þing.


717717 views33 comments33 favs

in a complete rage he lifted his entire golf bag full of clubs over his head and threw them into the creek.