Alphabetical stories

Let's Start with the End

309309 views1111 comments66 favs

Let’s start with the end—death. Upbeat, huh?

Let's Walk This Dog

10601060 views22 comments11 fav

if you don't quiver with anticipation you'll barely manage to explode


15031503 views55 comments22 favs

‘Your hands are very clean’ she said to the furniture salesman. His name was Morrison. "After Jim" Morrison Pentworthy. His father specialized in Doors.


699699 views99 comments77 favs

I'm writing you this letter played on a cherry flute. I'm sending it along through the poem's cloud of incense. The only delivery system I still hitch up for long distance pitching. I'm writing you a letter you'll probably never read. Never…

Letter Home

756756 views99 comments55 favs

The pen point sits motionless on the paper...

Letter to a Distant Friend

25072507 views2424 comments1515 favs

My life is life in shape alone./ The substance leaks away like blood/ removed by the embalmer’s art.

Letter to a Lost Friend

10941094 views77 comments66 favs

I keep attempting to start a correspondence with people / but they end up not being interested in me, / either that or I scare them away / because I usually begin with: / “Well, my favorite philosopher is Hegel..."

Letter to Garrison Keillor

861861 views99 comments44 favs

Hilda Raz lost a daughter. Her son gained a persona, backed by biological components. I was impressed by his male-pattern baldness. A biological genius. And yet, I was reduced and in the elevator mentioned crying about it.

Letter to John Berryman

10101010 views33 comments11 fav

My dad was an Army Reservist stationed in the U.S.—New York and Texas—the bugler in his corps. He golfed on summer weekends at Hazeltine in the course of his career. I had seen houses water colored prettily within the lines on L.S.D., after noticing not

Letter to Myself at Age Twenty-One

12781278 views66 comments44 favs

First off, don't worry about the marriage. It ain't gonna last. But don't worry. People will drive you nuts with that tiresome old chestnut, “there's more than one fish in the sea.” Thing is, they're right. Listen. I'm not talking salmon and sea bream…

Letter to Neruda

16151615 views99 comments44 favs

You have been my woman’s lover now for seven years, ever since your two souls met at La Isla Negra.

Letter to the Bean Factory

12351235 views66 comments22 favs

The figure was covered in a light blue chenille bathrobe, splayed out on her back on the floor by the glass door, her hair done up in large curlers, a slipper lying askew by her left foot. Richie crouched near the face and the rancid flame of bourbon lea

Letter to the Editor

13651365 views1212 comments99 favs

Some time ago, I began to write you letters with the idea of helping your newspaper become a more complete map of our little shared world.

Letters from the Aslyum (2)

13041304 views44 comments11 fav

Leo, leo, leo, leo, the word itself imprinted on my brain, carved with a pearl handled blade into my cerebral cortex, into the medulla, burrowed deep into my dreams, I miss your kissing.

Letters from the Asylum (1)

16781678 views66 comments11 fav

I'll be honest, and tell you that I am in a bad way. The weather is very hot up here, extremely so, almost hellish.

Letters from the Asylum (3)

13421342 views22 comments11 fav

She stepped into a pair of high heeled slippers and began to dance. She was Salome, a witch, dancing like the most beautiful, the most skilled whores of Paris.

Letters to Conrad

10421042 views44 comments44 favs

Dear Conrad, If you cannot control your dog’s barking I’ll rig up a loud speaker facing the general direction of your house, and every time your mutt starts howling at the moon, I’ll start playing “It’s a Small World (After All)” at top volume on the p

Letters, notes, conversations, partings

18891889 views1919 comments1414 favs

Writing as parallel form | Writing a parallel line | Seeing stealing | Stealing seeing | Stealing as seeing

Lettie in the Ozarks

21482148 views3333 comments2727 favs

Lettie picks wild grapes from the vines that twist between thorny bushes. If she's really hungry she eats dirt and all the things that live in it.

Letting Go

12701270 views55 comments44 favs

Jerrod's lips and tongue were like slabs of bologna someone shook in Kirsten’s face as she hit the turn signal. Kirsten was proud of herself. She'd been taking it well and she was pretty sure her real feelings weren’t poking through.

Let’s do something with this

13471347 views00 comments00 favs

No way was Robert actually surprised that hewas competitive with himself, but there was something way more concrete about this. Instead of hand wringing, there was someone, Bob, that he could punch.

Let’s Make a Landscape

13851385 views44 comments33 favs

Viewed correctly, nature is an inexhaustible storehouse of clichés. A successful landscape is their pleasing rearrangement.

let’s play hooky

11621162 views22 comments00 favs

There is just something about a thin, white cotton v-neck t-shirt, he thought, as he ran his hand over bleary eyes and dehydrated lips. He wanted her, as always. But he needed just a little more rest. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail. It…

Let’s Swing

779779 views66 comments55 favs

You don’t want to tango with me, she said.

Let’s Us Not Exaggerate

13381338 views1212 comments1111 favs

Call him a hobo or homeless or bum or junkie.

Level Three Offender

10541054 views00 comments00 favs

What do you mean dope in the front seat. I always keep my dope in the trunk. I mean hey, children DO steal.

Lewd in the Library!

13251325 views55 comments33 favs

The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue just came out, and all over America librarians are flipping through its pages and rolling their eyes. The swimsuit issue, which isn't actually about swimwear at all, but, is, instead, about young, beautifully shaped female…

Lewti & Loki

12211221 views1010 comments22 favs

I had no portent this would occur, / Ne'er did I see this happening, / Not days before, nor those coming;

leyh (they say)

925925 views33 comments22 favs

and then he began to sing, along with the ghostly villagers

Liberation, 2

770770 views00 comments00 favs

It was Phil Collins on MTV, “In the Air Tonight,” that helped cement it for me. It was the beginning of the end of my marriage. Well, not exactly the true beginning of the end. You would have to go pretty far back, honestly, to find the true root of it