Alphabetical stories


11071107 views22 comments11 fav

Smiling at stones and chunks of earth pounding in...

Firefly Squids

17911791 views33 comments00 favs

On the fisherman boat, we were told to place the helpless firefly squids in our mouths. I watched cheeks light up like light bulbs and I wondered how barbarism could be so beautiful.


814814 views33 comments22 favs

Fire.Orange.Fire.There were orange and red fires but for the most part they were orange.Before that, I was just standing there in the dark looking at the streetlights and then past them. I was gonna try to stare into infinity and had high hopes. Due to much cloud cover,…


11881188 views66 comments55 favs

You load the pipe and suck in the fireworks. Whistling missiles, slithering sparks, shivering teases, dripping embers. You fall asleep with flashing neon outside and the Fourth of July in your veins. When you wake up, your room is the saddest place o


843843 views22 comments00 favs

It's eight fifteen in the morning, my favorite time to call, and a guy named Ernie DeCampo answers the door in his work pants and a t-shirt. “Good morning, Mr.De Campo,” I say. “Do you have any fireworks in your home?” …


11951195 views22 comments00 favs

“I can’t believe you went ahead and got pregnant without me,” I said.

First Blood

10421042 views00 comments00 favs

...dogs snapping at the brush as it spins this way, that way, eluding the slavering jaws by a hairs breadth. The fox twists and rolls, tries every trick, every last desperate one.

First Chapter of Rain (novel)

11621162 views22 comments00 favs

Every day she loves me a little less, and justifies it by saying that there is less of me to love. At some crucial, overlooked space in our life together, I used up my compassion and started to spend hers.

First Contact

27182718 views77 comments22 favs

... her heart went kathump kathump and as the sun warmed the morning Patti once again melted into her normal condition of slightly dazed trance with not a care in the world but the health of her African violets that she now tended to on the window

First Contact

26402640 views00 comments00 favs

All through their descent sequence K’var had nervous premonitions.

First Crush

890890 views22 comments00 favs

I wanted those jelly rolls so bad I could scream

First Date

10851085 views88 comments55 favs

Both men sip their Cabernet Franc.

First Ending

11181118 views1414 comments88 favs

His wife had just come from the gynecologist and was toying with her French fries.

First Husband

19711971 views3333 comments1414 favs

"My, aren't you queery looking? She says.

First Job

13411341 views2222 comments1414 favs

I thought each day died inside the clock.

First Kiss With Rubber

14511451 views88 comments33 favs

Julie studied her brush, plucking a strand of hair from it. She looked up and smiled. "My mother thought you were a peeper."

First Law Blues

798798 views88 comments55 favs

Energy is constant though it may manifest/ as dust motes atop the housing of your monitor/ and in the fibers of the filter of your fan coil unit

First Lesson (Mother Tongue Series)

922922 views33 comments11 fav

I used to see kids at the mall with those extendable "kid leashes". Like the ones made for chihuahuas. Like the ones made to squash a good story, you know...

First Lives

16901690 views33 comments33 favs

There are some, I am told, who never see the dead, though I am as yet unable to believe it.

First Love

10621062 views33 comments44 favs

What happened then was not entirely innocent or spontaneous. I had been impressed by a scene in Some Came Running by James Jones, where the teenage writer sneaks his girlfriend home and makes love to her on his childhood's bed.

First Man ~ 1947

830830 views22 comments22 favs

By the basement washtubs, I watched him skin a squirrel:

First Person

16151615 views1010 comments1111 favs

We're each other's inside out. (100 words)

First Rain of the New Year

10231023 views1212 comments88 favs

Compartments trickle together/ in light diffuse and unreliable./ Fortify yourself against the day.

First Sex

25422542 views3030 comments1515 favs

After our date, my sister, who has a boyfriend, came over with her Weimaraner. I started instantly to tell her of my sex with Nils. She shirked the conversation, tried to change the subject, and more than once, I persisted. I wanted her to hear about it.

First sonnet

784784 views11 comment00 favs

Shit, I guess I'm gonna hafta

First Streetlight

848848 views11 comment11 fav

What I'm going to do is grab this eight-year-old fellow down the block, and declare him a candidate for this Presidential campaign. I'll be his campaign manager, and our whole message will be based on the First Streetlight platform. It's old school but very…

First the Newborn Birds on High and Then the Awful Climbing Beasts

12171217 views1212 comments88 favs

"Stop watching the news!Because the news contrives to frighten youTo make you feel small and aloneTo make you feel that your mind isn't your own"--MorrisseyThe world has gone crazy, but please let me make you One of my healing songs. You can eat it now, if you…

First Things Go First And End Up Being Last (the Big Enough Picture)

951951 views55 comments44 favs

I don't have to show you how to fly. I don't even know who you are still possibly trying to be in this crazy grounded world. But the words make us family. I can't help that or what you might do with that public tweet tweet…

First Thought

730730 views22 comments00 favs

She awakened and thought at first that the noise coming from the basement was an intruder, that someone was down there and might cause her harm. Then she remembered that the furnace had been erratic lately and had made some strange noises. She drifted off…


15821582 views1818 comments1313 favs

A woman with spirit appeals to men who fish because she is still alive.