Alphabetical stories


10451045 views99 comments1111 favs

The brain taints everything it brings to us/ with its limited apparatus, its precepts,// all the things it thinks it knows.

Filtering Grace

935935 views22 comments22 favs

...She was my first, my only, she broke me in then brought me down. Alone now, I cycle through hundreds of variations of her image like a flip book narrating some abstract story. That’s all she is now to me, an incoherent melange of tints, saturations, an


14751475 views55 comments33 favs

“Get ya hands outta there, ya filthy old cunt!” I look up, his distorted face hurling more abuse.

Filth and Splendor: A Love Story

11311131 views00 comments00 favs

Solomon just makes people leak. Literally.


14161416 views77 comments11 fav

She doesn’t answer. Ten minutes slide by unmolested in the anesthesia of cheap wine and resignation, the bouncers blurring and unblurring, the room dimming, quieting, the kaleidoscope of sundown giving way to the gentle sadness of candlelight.

Final Fantasy

871871 views00 comments00 favs

That’s where her reputation Wild Cat came from.

Final Phases of a Secret Love

11241124 views55 comments55 favs

I keep my love for you in me, / like the egg of a worm,

Final Resting Place of The Pen

23902390 views11 comment00 favs

Purchance to dream purchase ants to dream running Catalan sidewalk schoolyard fumble days berlin wall came tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down the mexico wall come tumbling down fuck you, Gorby. Head to radio, broadcast Hitler kill the generation di

Final Score: Reality – 1; Desire – 0

12621262 views22 comments00 favs

His velvet mouth, shaped perfectly to intertwine with hers, teases the space between them until its caress finds her.


10381038 views33 comments11 fav

the future wrapped up in a dream

Finals Week

651651 views00 comments00 favs

Before I could reach the physical bar, four rounds of shots were fired. Desperately, little boys spooged ounces about in every direction. They only knew one form of celebration, mating ritual roulette.

Finder Girl

13161316 views33 comments22 favs

We fold it end over end, meeting in the middle where she takes it, and I let go...

Finding the bog body

14031403 views1010 comments55 favs

It’s a bitch of a day, devious. It started out calm and then those monsoon showers hit. The lads legged it back to the vans for a bit of a warm sup. He was going to follow them. The rain machine-gunned the window.

Fine Yellow Dust

12041204 views22 comments11 fav

In the dream Yesler rolled, a broad avenue made of fine yellow dust, from Third down toward Second, and I made my way in the silence and bright morning air. To my left on the corner of Second stood the old Mocambo cafe and lounge, home to drag…

Fine, she said

10561056 views44 comments44 favs

A rope is cleaner, he explains with a straight face. He's calmed by the visual.

Finger Lost Finger Found

10001000 views33 comments11 fav

Little Roy Farrell'd taken a bite of his fourth grade teacher's ear as she bent close to help him sound out the word “grace.” Doc Felter had sewn most of teacher's ear back on, but by seventh grade Roy still couldn't read and never understood that he'd in

Finger Weaving a Voyageur Sash

553553 views55 comments55 favs

. . .and still wild roses star far fields the same.

Finger Weaving A Voyageur Sash

15791579 views1616 comments1212 favs

Night's air awhirl, the sky shoots fireflies. Sometimes, she bleeds black arrows in her dreams.


898898 views33 comments11 fav

This was not a good sign, comforting gestures from strangers were bad omens.

Finite Automatons in Winter Quarter

11201120 views66 comments11 fav

To my right, blank stares interchange with closed eyelids on an unkempt face. The minutes drip into the endless sea of night outside the window, each time creating a deeper blackness.

Finnegan teoriza la practica de cuerdas

19981998 views33 comments11 fav

Canta el Hombre...canta una canción que guarda una llamada. Está invitando a Dios a venir. Mas cuando canta una canción que guarda el recuerdo de un camino hacia una casa sin muros ni cercado, cuando cada vibración actúa como un minúsculo paso hacia ese hogar sin…


713713 views11 comment00 favs

She left the bathroom and slammed the bedroom door. He heard the lock close.


847847 views77 comments44 favs

I like burning lavender on glowing charcoal and dancing hard, thinking about long futures and deep moments. I want to cry and then scream and I don't feel like cleaning up. If I can keep a rhythm going long enough,I think I can build…

Fire Alarm

650650 views99 comments88 favs

You snore and the house is safe again.

fire and ice

10551055 views88 comments33 favs

“Who says?” she purred in reply “They all do” he countered smiling , chewing on an ice cube “All of them, huh?” She leaned forward, raising a wicked left eyebrow and whispered, “And just who are they, anyway?”

Fire Bug

810810 views22 comments11 fav

She was outside the house with one of her unlit cigarettes dangling from those chapped lips, she was carrying the can of kerosene and wearing a pair of red Mary Jane shoes, even her footwear smacked of violent drawing mystery.

Fire In The Heart

936936 views22 comments11 fav

The woman leapt from the top of the burning building. The flames reddened the faces of the watching crowd. The heat pushed them back. The woman hit the ground. The crowd oooooed. If only I'd been a firewoman, I thought, with a ladder as tall as a building and a…

Fire Skates

395395 views77 comments22 favs

Fire skates ascended out of the Skyscraper State _________________.

Firecracker to the Dome

799799 views11 comment22 favs

pulling my bones apart, fingers are supernatural beings

Fireflies Flew Out of the Slice of Life

627627 views77 comments55 favs

In the beginning there was salt God licked the salt and said it was Good. Then there was Light Then Chocolate The rest is just History It’s no great Mystery Oh, and Fireflies Fireflies with Due Dates Flew out of the Slice of Life S