soliciting your help with my answering machine (part 1)

by Thomas Reilly Bray

Hello, writers, readers, friends, discerner's of subtlety, freedom fighters for truth, emotional fairness and proper punctuation. I am soliciting your feedback on my answering machine message. 

I want this to be an answering machine announcement to audio-book auditioners, one that in advance, answers more questions than my callers have the wherewithal to ask. The message duration is not my concern too much, they need to know what's what before they leave their reply on another extension anyway.

####Begin Audition Edition Message:

"Audition; the word is stately, more than just another itchy verb -- it's a conjugation, a temporal property of two things happening at the same time -- 'Audio' the audible part of a transmitted signal and 'Edition' something a little different from others of the same type. So, in keeping, we want our auditioners to make editions of their auditions.

"Please go to our website, where, under auditions, you'll find an array of audition material ready to choose from, print and perform. It's all scientifically varied stuff you can work with really, one page of this, one page of that... so hopefully we'll have our best idea of your range as a vocal performer.

"Here's the thing -- take your time and audition, audition well and audition often all at your convenience. Try to reflect on each facet of all the different types of audition material we provide. You'll be glad you did. We'll be glad you did.

"You can even update your audition 'editions' anytime you choose. How? By phone! We'll keep your latest auditions at the top of the pile of recordings we go through in searching out local talent for this or that -- determining what audio-book productions we feel we can successfully cast.

"So go on-line to verkaro dot org and get your audition material printed and in front of you, call us back and make it one more for the Gipper... whatever 'gipper' means... right then -- make it one more for the record.

"Press zero to return to the main menu, six to repeat this message or just hang up and visit verkaro dot org."

####End of message. Queue dial tone.