Fuck Yeah America

by stephen hastings-king


After sportscasters announced the assassination and while the reverberations of the words were still fading people were already shouting Fuck yeah America.

Fuck yeah America after ten years of a collective sit-com for reaching the moment when the first Darren has been disappeared and a second Darren is about to be put in his place.  From here everything will continue as if nothing happened.

Fuck yeah America for 63 years of continuous war courtesy of the National-Security State. War the horizon of all socio-economic activity.  War the logic of resource allocation.  War the generator of political consent

Fuck yeah for the America brought to you by plutocracy and sold to you as entertainment.

Fuck yeah America and the officially sanctioned search for imaginary closure that justifies everything: torture, renditions, invasions and all the collateral damage and all the collateral damage.

Fuck yeah America.
