Alphabetical stories

Reading Rilke Aloud in an Empty House

21372137 views2121 comments1616 favs

I arranged all my books before you came, / so that it appears I read some more than others.

Reading Without an ISBN

896896 views1111 comments44 favs

The goal is to perform along with Jason Lee Norman--who is touring with his book of very short stories called Americas--a selection from my own collection called Country Without a Name. The symmetry excites me.


866866 views22 comments11 fav

Kudzu obscures the gate where jasmine bloomed last summer.

Ready for Me

125125 views55 comments33 favs

‘Your writing is terrible,’ she said triumphantly, and there was silence. I wanted to say, no Tara, that’s too much, he needs this – working terrible jobs for years, forever, always feeling the discrepancy between his middle-class childhood and his hand-

Ready to Go

957957 views66 comments00 favs

Where the fuck are my keys?Where the hell is my phone?Where the fuck are my keys?Where the hell is my phone?Where the fuck are my keys?Where the hell is my phone?Where the fuck are my keys?Where the hell is my phone?Where the fuck are my keys?Where the hell is my…

Ready to Surface in All Respects

10241024 views55 comments55 favs

Our realtor is worried about selling our apartment. He believes it is a submarine. We cannot convince him otherwise. I agree that our apartment is a little small and more than a little cluttered. We have a lot of books. The sensation of standing or sitting in our…


12351235 views66 comments66 favs

That was the start of it, the vigils. Every night at the foot of the Gilt Spears a group of people congregated in a housing estate to look up at the stars. Housewives with working away husbands, fractious toddlers hanging upside down…

Real As Your Underwear

12531253 views99 comments77 favs

when unicorns took to flight / the poles shifted / the world flooded / and Pangaea busted open like calloused palm

Real Estate

17301730 views4141 comments1111 favs

He drove down there in his truck the second time. Didn't want to get anywhere near that snooty car of hers.

Real Heart

11711171 views44 comments11 fav

A heart which is alive despite everything in the world that wants to deaden it.

Real life

10731073 views1313 comments88 favs

He bought damaged and used sex dolls online.

Real Life

490490 views55 comments33 favs

Just like real life before poundsigns.

Real Love, Real

11611161 views88 comments77 favs

For the first time in her life She felt she understood The smell of a man. The smell of white tulips, The taste of a persimmon In her mouth. She remembered how married she felt To him, in that moment. How close To the earth, and ancien

Real Talk – A Ghost Story

11391139 views1111 comments1212 favs

Tunnel hobos, all hootched up high, think a sign's all about super powers, mind reading, clairvoyance, dig?

Real Time

271271 views1414 comments55 favs

November days

Realistic Three Hole Marilyn Monroe

13071307 views55 comments22 favs

I think I’m the best Marilyn Monroe there ever was.

reality concedes, for once

971971 views55 comments66 favs

beckoning with citrus streaks blue cobbled streets/and stuccos lit with gold lamps guide strollers here/to Place du Forum in Arles and this café . . .

Reality TV is Dead

998998 views00 comments00 favs

Welcome to the world of (un)reality television. He/she who dies with the most stories wins. Another kind of religion. The Church of Being Famous For Whatever.

Realizing I Have Not Moved From My Bed for Two Days

14791479 views99 comments99 favs

Quite frankly you are ruining my life. / I know you don’t mean to, but you are.

Really Beautiful Skank

888888 views22 comments22 favs

She really was a beautiful skankFeral coated and dusted with sugarAn inked up divining rodTelling us on earth what God thinks

Rear View

14081408 views1010 comments1111 favs

The man of a thousand faces was defunct.

Reasons to Live (RtL) = right to left

10751075 views99 comments88 favs

6. to register for the draft

Rebekah Just When the Drought Was Ending

13461346 views66 comments66 favs

But the best thing about Rebekah was the way she floated always beneath the scent of woodburn and dusty Middle America,


720720 views00 comments00 favs

To be fair, I have to say I learned things from Lisa, certain things about sex and how to use my body effectively, to use what I had to the best effect, though it probably would have been true to say that about any girl who might have been the first girl

Reburial at sea

922922 views22 comments00 favs

“Sloshes to sloshes. Drip to drip,” I said, then ceremoniously flushed the toilet bowl, our heads bowed in reverence as Molly and I gave Swimmy its last rites. Swimmy, named by Molly whose overstatement of the obvious is endearing in a three-year-old, was…

Rebuttal From My Vagina

18511851 views1717 comments77 favs

Dear Erin,And people call ME a pussy. Fuck you,The Cunt

Receding Haiku

11551155 views1717 comments1212 favs

love weaves a perforated web between the spikes of longing

Receive Death As The River Stone

10091009 views33 comments22 favs

Death. That which lays all men equal in the eyes of the earth. Their is one for each of us, a unique snowflake of demise tailor made for every organism that persists in this convoluted game of life.

Recent Rejection Letters

58905890 views7070 comments4747 favs

Dear Meg, Thank you for submitting your breasts to our evening last night. Your cleavage has been carefully considered, but unfortunately I've decided not to explore further. That said, remember that I am a fan of women in general; my tastes, biases, and opinions…

Rechargeable Batteries

13511351 views00 comments00 favs

Was he really a Secret Service guy? No time to think now! Quick as lightning, Rachel bounded over the sleeping matron and sprinted up the aisle.