Alphabetical stories

Dear Friend

976976 views44 comments11 fav

Dear Friend: As a visitor to Wonderland in the past, you are truly among our most treasured friends. It is the enthusiasm for whimsy such as yours that spurs us to continue to provide perplexing chaos for which we are so widely esteemed, the better to

Dear Helen

11951195 views1111 comments22 favs

I watched you knee deep in water with a little boy you were hitting.

Dear Joe,

14671467 views88 comments77 favs

Walk alone at night, quietly. Pause for eye contact with raccoons and night cats, your drunk self, and lights in the graveyard. Don't apologize for it in the morning. Instead of the shame you feel for one time acting selfishly and chasing a future, say…

Dear Lieutenant General Fred

15331533 views44 comments22 favs

But I am delighted to inform you that through our computer added softwareness, YOU have to been chosen as our Nigerian contact for the transfer of fundage used to research global warming. How ‘bout them apples?

Dear Mei

935935 views11 comment11 fav

I planned and planned. I followed the veterinarians around and I took vials of panda tranquilizers when they were not looking, and it was often that they forgot to look. The earth kept shaking, they were hungry, and many did not know what had become of th


18901890 views1212 comments99 favs

I'm standing outside your window with our son's fingers in my fist.

Dear Mouth

13091309 views11 comment11 fav vigorously screamed blasphemies at inanimate objects

Dear Plant Life Magazine

10971097 views22 comments11 fav

I have enclosed a newspaper clipping so you can see I’m telling the truth. I’m in the picture on the far right, standing near a maple tree with my mouth wide open in a scream. On the far left is a rearing horse with one of the local farm kids on it,

Dear Poet(s) of Tomorrow

969969 views55 comments11 fav

you'd do him more of a favor to kill him, than place upon him the burden of such an abrupt change in travel plans.

Dear Poetry Editor,

12731273 views55 comments00 favs

I like to think of my poetry as fungus, sprouting out of the dank and fertile soil of my imagination.

Dear Scarlet

12391239 views33 comments11 fav

It’s me walking in on you shooting up in the diner’s cesspool of a shitter, and you trying to conceal the evidence while you’re telling me it’s straight up your first time.

Dear Sir

888888 views66 comments11 fav

[Lights up on CLAUDE. He's holding a letter, standing.]CLAUDE: Dear sir, We regret to inform you That your (that place with cream walls and dog hair…

Dear Zombie William Carlos Williams,

11891189 views00 comments00 favs

If you wanted to retain the ownership of said works, then you should not have died.


10421042 views33 comments22 favs

fate is an illusion we use to ease the terror of our mortality


11001100 views66 comments11 fav

Do you think we die when we age?Or when a car runs over our hearts?We die slowly, minute by minute, every secondBy the time you read this, you've died a little

Death (and a Girl)

736736 views22 comments00 favs

I toyed with the idea of suicide, then quickly cast it off. Death wouldn’t be interesting. Liberating, perhaps, but not interesting. I hadn’t yet lived enough to die.

Death Along the Jersey Rails

994994 views44 comments00 favs

like old discarded snake skin, dry and coarse after the bite... immortally tortured by broken glass bottles.

Death At McDonalds, or How I Learned To Love

14031403 views1010 comments44 favs

"I sighed heavily. 'Goddamn it...' I spat under my breath. 'Every motherfucking time..."

Death by Dinner

10871087 views22 comments00 favs

I can't believe it's Frankie, but there he is at a table on the far side, just in front of the big picture window. I hold the menu close to my face and peek again over the top, watching as he reaches under the white linen tablecloth to plant…

Death Comes To Visit

11551155 views11 comment00 favs

He was almost dying when I reached the hospital. I walked past the open automatic sliding doors into the lobby, almost vacant except a few people milling around, the nurses fighting sleep behind the desks while waiting for their shift to end.

Death Dreams, by Norman Klein

205205 views66 comments22 favs

My hand falling...

Death Hitches a Ride

11341134 views22 comments22 favs

We passed a dead cat lying up against a guard rail, its fur stringing and wet and exposing its bloated skin which had a purple tint to it. Not my work, Death said, smoke trickling out of one eye socket.

Death Is No Big Deal.

11221122 views2020 comments1111 favs

The suite of dark rooms/ extends forever./ It’s no big deal.

Death Masking Love

13791379 views44 comments33 favs

She brought the ends of her fingers to her mouth and moistened them in her warm saliva. The whorls of her prints glistened in the harsh light of the room, but it wasn't her own outlines she was interested in raising. His hand lay outstretched in his…

Death of a Toothbrush (a random observation)

494494 views77 comments77 favs

Gone are the bristles bristling.Embedded with memoriesof crevices that oncefought to hold the spinach or walnuts within.No more feeling the undulatingresponses as the velvety tonguewinces and curls asthe wine is scrapped away.Is it wine, as we stare, oris it blood.Ah, the…

Death of an Eikaiwa

10241024 views33 comments22 favs

When I rolled him under the bed, I thought I would sweep him out later with arms curled up like legs beneath the shells of cicadas I used to gather from the laundry porch and set on the kitchen counter to scare my roommates. At least, I did that until…

Death Pays a Visit But Fucks Up

17331733 views55 comments66 favs

We get prepped for the big finale, and we don't want the guy who turns up with the scythe to be Jo-Jo the dog-faced boy.

Death's Noisy Herald

20642064 views33 comments11 fav

Lying there, with the terrible screech emanating from his chest, blaring from his open mouth, he thinks about jet planes and jack hammers and nuclear explosions. He doesn't have quiet thoughts.

Death, looking over the poet's shoulder, whispers...

12971297 views1414 comments99 favs


Debtor's Prison

12461246 views1515 comments1212 favs

You should have marked that territory like a conquistador, mounted him like an equestrian, left no what-ifs in your wake.