Discussion → Collaborative Writing - how does it work?

  • Innis_author_photo.thumb
    Julie Innis
    Apr 28, 05:41pm

    I've never written anything with another writer - so I hope it's okay that I've joined the group -- but I wanted to ask if you, Ann and Meg, might consider collaborating on an interview for the Fictionaut Blog about your experiences writing collaboratively? This topic intriques me, especially after reading the fine examples of collaborative work you've both posted here.

  • Innis_author_photo.thumb
    Julie Innis
    Apr 28, 05:46pm

    I guess, Ann, you already touched on this idea in your comment to Meg and Arlene's story. And of course, I meant to include your writing partners in my suggestion for the interview.

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    Ann Bogle
    Apr 29, 05:36am

    Julie, I have written a handful of times with experienced collaborative writers. I do have ideas about it and would like to interview. Interview itself reminds me of collaborative processes. I'm seeing into it: whether my expert guides might also be interested.

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    Carol Reid
    Apr 29, 10:08am

    Hello collaborators-

    Recently a friend and I wrote a story together through a series of emails. It was the most stress-free writing fun I've had in a very long time. It was as if ego disappeared and everything was in service of the story, which is probably the way the process should work, but rarely does, in my experience. So, that's why I jumped in here and joined.

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