Forum / "It's the Judiciary, Stupid: The Supreme Court™ Hears Arguments Against Dick Cheney's Companies, Up to and Including Closing Ones, Against the Pleasing Backdrop of a TV Playing Snow and the Sound of Clarence Thomas Snoring, Since He Never Pays Attention t

  • Better.thumb

    "Hear ye, hear ye ... "
    "Order in the Court!!!"
    "Yeah right ... What do you have to say for yourself??"
    "I was just crossing the street, walking my dog Your Honor ... Honest Injun!!! I didn't mean to distract no Ice-Cream Truck™, and cause a five-car pile-up!!!"
    "Bigot!!! 'Honest Injun' is an outdated stereotype, and YOU smell like *dogshit*!!!
    "Why don't you go to jail for three weeks!!!
    "Maybe they'll WASH you ... !!!"


    (whole court CHORTLES:)

    Coming Up NEXT Week:

    "Judge Wopner gets fitted for a prosthetic!!!

    "You don't WANNA *KNOW* what — "

    "Mabel, we got any beer in the house!!!"
    "No, we don't, Leroy!!! We drank the last of it when your Aunt Ethel and Uncle Jethro came over!!!"
    "Just askin'!!! Aw shit that figures it!!!"
    "Why you askin', Leroy??"
    "I can't take livin', that's all!!! It's mostly a bunch of putrid dreams and dried-up emotions, with women dried-up like a wrung-out rag and unable to *mimic* the conditions of arousal ... present company EXLCUDED, of course!!!"
    "Harrumph!!! I think you should chew more Dentyne™!!!"
    "Why is that, Mabel!!!"
    "Because your breath smells like SHIT, Leroy, to be quite *frank* about it ... !!!"

    "Dentyne™: The gum for losers and hicks who can't get it up for their wives!!!
    "BUY SOME *NOW* — "

    "Hi, this is Dick Cheney!!!

    "Don't forget to BLOW me — "










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