Archive for the 'Artificial intelligence (AI)' Category

What Is NLP Natural Language Processing? As a Gartner survey pointed out, workers who are unaware of important information can make the wrong decisions. To be useful, results must be meaningful, relevant and contextualized. Now, thanks to AI and NLP, algorithms can be trained on text in different languages, making it possible to produce the […]

8 NLP Examples: Natural Language Processing in Everyday Life POS tags are useful for assigning a syntactic category like noun or verb to each word. Before you start using spaCy, you’ll first learn about the foundational terms and concepts in NLP. The code in this tutorial contains dictionaries, lists, tuples, for loops, comprehensions, object oriented […]

Complete Guide to Natural Language Processing NLP with Practical Examples You can pass the string to .encode() which will converts a string in a sequence of ids, using the tokenizer and vocabulary. Language Translator can be built in a few steps using Hugging face’s transformers library. Then, add sentences from the sorted_score until you have […]


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